Washing sponge Face / Arse
Washing sponge Face / Arse
Washing sponge Face / Arse


Washing sponge Face / Arse

4,49 €

4,49 €


Nopea toimitus

Ma, 23 syys - ke, 25 syys

Toimitetaan noutopisteelle

Turvallinen maksu

Meidän Tyytyväinen asiakas-lupauksemme

30 päivän palautusoikeus

Tuotteen kuvaus

Have you also felt that confusion when you don't know which side of the sponge you used for your face and which was meant for, uh, other areas? You're not alone. But worry no more! After years of scientific research and development, we finally have the answer to this eternal dilemma: the Arse/Face Sponge!

With its ingenious design, this sponge has two clearly marked sides - one for the face and one for, well, other areas. One side is adorned with creamy white text that clearly indicates it's for the face, while the other side is marked with brown text to clearly show its purpose for 'down there'.

But the Arse/Face Wash Sponge is not only practical, it's also a fun prank! Give it as a fun gift to a friend or use it to surprise your guests in your own home. No matter how you choose to use it, it's sure to bring a lot of laughs and looks of wonder.

So why continue to wrestle with the confusion? Take control of your washing routine with the Arse/Face Washing Sponge and ensure that you always know which side is which. Order yours today.
Size:~17x11x5 cm

Paino, gramma


Artikkelin numero


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Washing sponge Face / Arse

4,49 €

4,49 €


Nopea toimitus

Ma, 23 syys - ke, 25 syys

Toimitetaan noutopisteelle

Turvallinen maksu

Meidän Tyytyväinen asiakas-lupauksemme

30 päivän palautusoikeus