Stone adjuster / Grinding block
Stone adjuster / Grinding block


Stone adjuster / Grinding block

17,99 €

17,99 €


Nopea toimitus

To, 10 loka - ma, 14 loka

Toimitetaan noutopisteelle

Turvallinen maksu

Meidän Tyytyväinen asiakas-lupauksemme

30 päivän palautusoikeus

Tuotteen kuvaus

The SP-650 Stone Adjuster is a versatile tool that allows users to adjust the grit size of their grinding stones to achieve the desired grinding result. Whether fine grinding or coarse felling, this product offers users flexibility and precision in the grinding process.

Features and Benefits:
* Adjustable Grit Size: SP-650 Stone Adjuster enables easy change of grinding stone grit size, which ranges from 220 to 1000 grit. This adaptability allows users to fine-tune the grinding results as needed.

* Compatibility: The product is designed to work seamlessly with both original grinding stones and SB-250 Blackstone Silicon, giving users the flexibility to use their existing grinding materials. Additionally, it is compatible with a variety of models including Tormek T-8, Tormek T-4 and older models.

* Versatile use: In addition to adjusting grain size, the SP-650 Stone Adjuster can also be used to clean Japanese Waterstone with its fine side. This makes it a versatile tool for sharpening stone maintenance.

* Ease of Use: The SP-650 Stone Adjuster is designed for ease of use. By simply pressing against the whetstone, users can easily adjust its properties for the desired grinding effect.

* Clear indicators: The product offers clear indicators for when the grindstone's surface changes. By listening to changes in sound or feeling changes in the surface during use, users can easily determine when the desired effect has been achieved.

Instructions for use:
To fine tune the surface of the grindstone for fine grinding, apply the fine side of the SP-650 Stone Adjuster to the grindstone with the machine running. This will change the surface of the whetstone to give a finer grind.

To reset the grindstone for roughing, apply the rough side of the stone adjuster to the grindstone with the machine running. Continue until you notice or feel a change in the surface of the whetstone, indicating the desired effect.

The SP-650 Stone Adjuster offers users simplicity, precision and versatility to achieve optimal grinding results for a variety of applications. With its user-friendly design and flexible functions, it is an indispensable tool for anyone striving for professional grinding results.

Size: ~ 150 x 50 x 25 cm
Weight: ~365g

Paino, gramma


Artikkelin numero


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Stone adjuster / Grinding block

17,99 €

17,99 €


Nopea toimitus

To, 10 loka - ma, 14 loka

Toimitetaan noutopisteelle

Turvallinen maksu

Meidän Tyytyväinen asiakas-lupauksemme

30 päivän palautusoikeus