8,99 €
8,99 €
Ke, 19 maalis - ma, 24 maalis
Turvallinen maksu
Meidän Tyytyväinen asiakas-lupauksemme
30 päivän palautusoikeus
Tuotteen kuvaus
Here's something for all Harry Potter fans, big and small!
This is Hermione Granger's Time Turner (a replica) - time turner, the time machine from in the book ”The Prisoner of Azkaban”.
The time changer is worn on a chain around the neck and consists of an hourglass in the middle with two rings around. The inscription reads:
"I mark the hours, every one, nor have I yet outrun the Sun. My use and value, unto you, are gauged by what you have to do." .."
It works by turning the hourglass the same number of turns as the number of hours you want to do. back in time. Då you end up atå the place where you were that number of hours ago. The crux is just that the tide turner is not particularly stable and can therefore cause some problems. Hermione was given the time turner by Professor McGonagall so she could catch up on all her lessons. This had to be a total secret soå Hermione wasn't allowed to tell anyone, not even Harry and Ron. They suspected ändå something and became suspicious when they saw Hermione at två places at the same time. At the end of the book, however, the secret is revealed when they use the time turner to save Sirius Black and Vingfle.
A must for all Harry Potter fans!
* Material: 18K Gold plated
* Chain length: approx. 54 cm
* Pendant size: approx. 4.6 cm
* Color of the sand: White
Artikkelin numero
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10 kuukautta sitten
vuosi sitten
Da den ankom svarede det på ingen måde til forventningerne. Det lignede også det tidligere var gået i stykker og var limet sammen igen, der var tørret lim flere steder. Produktet burde også have en funktion af at kunne dreje mellem de forskellige led. Den var skæv ved ankomsten, så det kunne den heller ikke. Ved bestillingen stod der også størrelse på produktet, den ankom dobbelt så stor.
Marjo Hilska
kaksi vuotta sitten
Ihana koru HP-fanille!
8,99 €
8,99 €
Ke, 19 maalis - ma, 24 maalis
Turvallinen maksu
Meidän Tyytyväinen asiakas-lupauksemme
30 päivän palautusoikeus
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