Solar cells for Industry, warehouses and agriculture 50 kW
Solar cells for Industry, warehouses and agriculture 50 kW
Solar cells for Industry, warehouses and agriculture 50 kW
Solar cells for Industry, warehouses and agriculture 50 kW
Solar cells for Industry, warehouses and agriculture 50 kW
Solar cells for Industry, warehouses and agriculture 50 kW
Solar cells for Industry, warehouses and agriculture 50 kW


Solar cells for Industry, warehouses and agriculture 50 kW

28 000,00 €

28 000,00 €

Muutama jäljellä

Ma, 7 loka - pe, 11 loka

Toimitetaan noutopisteelle

Turvallinen maksu

Meidän Tyytyväinen asiakas-lupauksemme

30 päivän palautusoikeus

Tuotteen kuvaus

Here is a solar cell system that is perfectly suited for those of you who have a slightly higher electricity consumption and want to save money. We have put together what you need to get the most out of your solar cell installation and we have chosen quality through and through. The system is well suited for installation on large sheet metal roofs and the panels are "All Black" and are black all around, which gives nice roofs!

This is included

Growatt MAX KTL3-NV 50 kW which is the very heart and brain of the plant and which will give you carefree operation for many years

Solar panels
AUSTA AU440-27V-MHDB features the new SMBB (Super Multi Busbar) technology which means: improving power generation efficiency through better light capture and current collection. The package contains 114 panels that provide 50.16 kW and generate approximately 50,000 - 51,000 kWh per year. The panels are 1134 x 1722 mm and can be mounted either vertically or horizontally. These created an area fully assembled of 222 m2

Assembly material
There, we have chosen ISOTEC, which we think is absolutely superb in terms of logical function and durability. In addition, it is easy to use, which makes for easy assembly.
ISOTECH rails 120 pieces
ISOTECH joint fittings 96 pieces
ISOTECH intermediate brackets 216 pieces
ISOTECH end fittings 40 pieces
ISOTECH hooks (tile roof) or equivalent for metal or cardboard roofs 240 pieces
MC4 connector female 10
MC4 connector male 10
Photovoltaic cable Red 120 meters
Photovoltaic cable Black 120 meters
Other 200 screw for intermediate fittings
Assembly and other screws for attaching mounting accessories to the ceiling are not included!

Inverter: Growatt - MAX 100 KTL3NV Warranties: 5 year product warranty, 10 years optional for an extra fee of SEK 4500
Solar panels: AUSTA AU-108MHB 430 W has a 15-year product warranty.
Mounting material: ISOTECH, 12 year product warranty
Article number: 108204

Artikkelin numero


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Solar cells for Industry, warehouses and agriculture 50 kW

28 000,00 €

28 000,00 €

Muutama jäljellä

Ma, 7 loka - pe, 11 loka

Toimitetaan noutopisteelle

Turvallinen maksu

Meidän Tyytyväinen asiakas-lupauksemme

30 päivän palautusoikeus