JJ Custom Works
JJ Custom Works - Colt .45 Peacemaker Holster - Left - 2.25" - Blue - Plain - Nickel Studs Left side - 2,25"
43,49 €
43,49 €
Nopea toimitus
Ti, 4 maalis - to, 6 maalis
Turvallinen maksu
Meidän Tyytyväinen asiakas-lupauksemme
30 päivän palautusoikeus
Tuotteen kuvaus
Strong and beutifull handcrafted holster made from finest swedish vegitable tanne leather from Tärnsjö Garveri wich is swedens oldest tannery. The holster is made to fit all types of Colt .45 Peacemaker revolvers from Kolser and Denix, but it will fit all other types of simular revolvers. The fit for colt 45 is great tight but not to tight. When delivered it has a snugg fitt so it will not fall out. If you prefer a looser fit its very easy to stretch it a bit just wrap your gun in desired amount of cellophan and let it sit for a while. If you also soak it in warm water with a bit of soap, you can easly wet form it to your specefic gun.
This is made from vegitable tanned leather, so it doesnt have any harmfull chemicals such as so manny other leather products. We have worked very hard to provide a very high quality product to a extremly reasonable price and we dare you to compare to other. Our Colt 45 holster will be available in all different colors, with or without handstamped designs and also in the ranges from 2,25" to 12" barrells.
Keep your leather holster regulary lubricated with suitable leather care and it will litterally last a lifetime. We've made the holsters free to choose either sewned or with studs, the studded holsters are very good for long lasting as the studs are easly replaced if needed and its a fast for manufactoring so the price can be even lower, but for those who rather have it sewned, we also have that.
Its made for a deep fit with covered trigger and with a beltloop to fit most belts. With a little effort a leg strap can easly be added if wanted to secure it even further. Its off course also availabe for both left and right hand people. Mind again - this is a vegitable tanned leather product! Not chrome tanned - its envirmentally friendly and made from swedish cow leather, who have one of the most ethical threatment of farm animals in the world. Our products are a very good choice and our prices are really low compared to others.
- 100% handmade in Sweden!
- Environmentally friendly and climate smart!
- Holds a lifetime!
- Swedish Tärnsjö leather!
Left side - 2,25"
Paino, gramma
Artikkelin numero
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JJ Custom Works
JJ Custom Works - Colt .45 Peacemaker Holster - Left - 2.25" - Blue - Plain - Nickel Studs Left side - 2,25"
43,49 €
43,49 €
Nopea toimitus
Ti, 4 maalis - to, 6 maalis
Turvallinen maksu
Meidän Tyytyväinen asiakas-lupauksemme
30 päivän palautusoikeus
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